Uploading Letters of Recommendation Residency Before Eras


When describing the 1950s, many historians use the word "smash." This is because of the prosperous economy, the increasing number of people moving to the suburbs and the population explosion known every bit the "baby nail." Other people called it America's "gilded age."

The period between 1946 and 1964, which spans the entire 1950s decade, is often called the "postwar era." For many, it was a pleasant decade because World War 2 and the Great Depression were officially long backside them. Pop culture inverse and helped define the era. Stone and roll music began to dominate, and more households than ever could afford TVs.

The 1950s as well saw the start of the Civil Rights movement. However, tensions between Russia and the U.s.a. and fears of communism also impacted the decade and led to the "Scarlet Scare."

Baby Boom

The 1950s was a period of growth in the The states, especially when it came to the population. The term "baby boomer" is used to describe the approximately 77 million people built-in during the postwar era, due to this sudden population explosion.

As World War Two ended, adults saw a brighter futurity for themselves and their families. They besides found themselves with more than money in their pockets. Both factors led to a want to have more children. Soldiers returning from state of war and families moving to the suburbs also played a office in the boom.  At the time, the babe boomer generation was the largest generation the United States had ever seen.

B ooming Economic system

As the population grew, so did the economy and capitalism. Businesses thrived, workers earned more than coin and people were able to buy more than consumer products, like cars, washing machines and TVs. After surviving the state of war and the Great Depression, American adults had a want to purchase more consumer products than ever. As Europe rebuilt itself after the war, its population became obsessed with American products as well.

Homeownership grew from twoscore percent to 60 pct between 1945 and 1960. Virtually 75 percentage of American families had at least one car, and the differences between the economic classes shrunk. Around 60 pct of people living in the United States were considered eye form.

S uburbs Blast

Another boom that marked the decade was the movement of people from cities to the suburbs. Apartment dwellers became homeowners.  Existent estate developers bought large parcels of land and built inexpensive homes on them. Because families were growing, parents opted to move exterior of the cities so they had more than space and their children had their own yards in which to play. The G.I. Bill made it easier for soldiers returning home from Earth State of war Two to secure mortgages and buy homes besides. And new forms of credit made information technology easier to buy homes and fill them with appliances and other appurtenances.

P op Culture

For many people, changes in pop civilization helped ascertain the 1950s era. Previously, pop, jazz and crooner music ruled the airwaves. But artists like Chuck Drupe, Buddy Holly, Fats Domino, James Brown and Brenda Lee ushered in a new genre of music: rock and curlicue. Past the mid-50s, Evil Presley, aka the King of Stone and Scroll, was the virtually famous musician in the United States.

Every bit more and more Americans purchased TVs, what some call the "gold age of television" began. People stopped going to movies and listening to the radio in favor of watching popular shows, like

I Beloved Lucy, Gunsmoke, Perry Mason, The Honeymooners, The Solitary Ranger, Get out It to Beaver, Lassie, The Twilight Zone and Begetter Knows Best.

C ivil Rights

Unity was often a common goal amidst Americans in the 1950s. Many people began to view each other as equals regarding both form and race. This helped lead to the civil rights motility. In 1954, the United States Supreme Courtroom ruled that it was against the police force to require African-American children to attend segregated schools in the case of

Brown Vs. Board of Education. In 1955, Rosa Parks notoriously refused to leave her seat on a bus in Alabama.

C ommunism and the Cold War

Not all aspects of the 1950s were positive. During the era, tensions between the United states of america and the Soviet Union grew into the Common cold War which lasted for several decades. Fright of communism taking over American order plagued anybody from government officials to Hollywood actors. Those who were thought to be communists were fired from their jobs and blacklisted within their industries. This period of fear is often chosen the "Red Scare."


Source: https://www.reference.com/history/1950s-era-called-b6e74196e06a7005?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740005%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex

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